Friday, August 21, 2009

Second premiere promo!

I spy with my little eye:
~Sam being tortured by Jo and Rufus
~Dean on an airplane (and apparently pretty freaked out about it!)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Trickster will be returning once for for season 5!

WOOT!!! I love the Trickster!

Possible list of all the first 11 episode for season 5

It's from wikipedia so it is questionable but here we go:
"Are you there God? It's me Sam Winchester", lol, love that one. But "My Own Colt" sounds very interesting... could it be we're getting the colt back somehow? O.O

Ever wonder what Sam would be like if he was totally evil?

Apparently we'll find out what that would be like in episode 4.
This is the same episode where Dean is supposed to be traveling into the future BTW.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Be Afraid, be Very Afraid

Paris Hilton is going to be guest starring on Supernatural:
I know, I'm scared too. But since she'll be in episode 5 that also calls for Ghandi and Abe Lincoln, something tells me we're definitly doing a House of Wax ep, SPN style.