Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sam and Dean are checking into the Psych Ward episode 11

Episode 11 will be titled "Sam, interrupted" And there is casting calls out for a psychiatrist who sympathizes with Dean (Maybe Dean will be the patient? ^_~ )

Pictures from episode 7

Enjoy ^^

Interview with Misha Collins:

For those not wanting to read: Castiel will go head to head with Lucifer when he is trapped in a ring of oil fire (similar to Raphael's)

"Win or Lose" promo featuring clips from episode 7 and 8:

Enjoy ^^

Episode summary's a spoilers for the rest of 2009

Episode 5.08 "Are You There God? It's Me, Sam Winchester"
This is the episode with all the TV parodies, and it will feature Sam and Dean experiencing life as a sitcom, a Japanese game show, CSI and Grey's Anatomy. If you're wondering how the Winchesters get into this mess, may I suggest watching "Tall Tales" and "Mystery Spot" again. That's right, our old pal the Trickster is back for more fun.

Episode 5.09 "The Real Ghostbusters"
The title makes this sound like a potential Ghostfacers episode, and a casting call revealed that Supernatural has two primary guest stars, two normal salesman with surprising bravery, one short a fat, the other tall and skinny. To me, it sounds like they're either recasting the Ghostfacers, or they're looking for younger versions of Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant

Episode 5.10 "Abandon All Hope"
The final episode of 2009 will be a doozy, and according to the Chicago Tribune, it will end with a big cliffhanger leaving fans begging for more. It will also feature special guest star Mark Sheppard as Crowley, a recurring demon with a big role for season 5. If you don't know who Mark Sheppard is, you should. He was Romo Lampkin on Battlestar Galactica, he's guest starred on just about every cool TV show on the planet, and he's an amazing actor.

“The Curious Case of Dean Winchester” episode summary:

OLD MAN DEAN! — Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) discover a witch (guest star Hal Ozsan) is running a high-stakes poker game where the currency is life years vs. money. Bobby (Jim Beaver) sees the game as a chance to get out of the wheelchair and bets 25 years, but loses. As Bobby begins to age rapidly, Dean steps in to save him but also ends up turning into an old man, leaving Sam holding the bag for their survival. Robert Singer directed the episode with teleplay by Sera Gamble and story by Sera Gamble & Jenny Klein (e#507).

Friday, September 25, 2009

Clip from episode 4 "The End"

I'm Back!!!! Sorry for the massive delay, I'm back on track now:
Dean is still on his own :(

Friday, August 21, 2009

Second premiere promo!

I spy with my little eye:
~Sam being tortured by Jo and Rufus
~Dean on an airplane (and apparently pretty freaked out about it!)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Trickster will be returning once for for season 5!

WOOT!!! I love the Trickster!

Possible list of all the first 11 episode for season 5

It's from wikipedia so it is questionable but here we go:
"Are you there God? It's me Sam Winchester", lol, love that one. But "My Own Colt" sounds very interesting... could it be we're getting the colt back somehow? O.O

Ever wonder what Sam would be like if he was totally evil?

Apparently we'll find out what that would be like in episode 4.
This is the same episode where Dean is supposed to be traveling into the future BTW.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Be Afraid, be Very Afraid

Paris Hilton is going to be guest starring on Supernatural:
I know, I'm scared too. But since she'll be in episode 5 that also calls for Ghandi and Abe Lincoln, something tells me we're definitly doing a House of Wax ep, SPN style.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Casting spoilers

Ok either the boys are spending the night at athe mueseum, or they're visiting the house of wax O.o
Or we're going back in time lol.

Possible episode titles for 5.04 and 5.05

From wikipedia so no clue how real they are but just in case:
4. "The Douchebag of Oz"
5. "To Hell and Back"
In my mind:
Dean = Dorothy
Sam + Scarecrow
Cas = Lion
Bobby = Tin Man


Extreme Spoilers from ComicCon

-God will DEFINITELY be a character in season 5, now the only question is, who can possibly play God?
Quite literally OH MY GOD
-Rufus the Hunter will return, and the writers actually hope many old hunters will return. Apparently with Lucifer on the loose, the plan is to bring back as many Hunters as possible.
-Uncle Bobby will have a huge story for season 5
-Castiel, now a fallen angel, will develop more human emotions throughout the season
-Past seasons have led up to Dean going to Hell or Lucifer rising. For season 5, it’s all about the Apocalypse.
Sweet :D
-Eric Kripke said that he is sticking with his initial five-year plan and fans will get to see that conclude as he originally intended. However, he also revealed that he’s open to starting a new multi-season plan after that ends, so five years is no longer the certain end point it once was.
Oh Kripke, you tease *eye roll*
Something tell me this is going to be the BEST season ever. All out hunters our returning, Cas has fallen, and god himself hisgoing to appear!
Who else is ready for season 5????!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Very Funny Castiel Spoiler

This was shown to me by Temi:
"Our sources tell us that when Supernatural returns, Dean takes Castiel out for a night on the town to loosen him up. As you could assume, hilarity ensues."

ROFL! I'm dying to see this XD
It's going to be like a Supernatural fanfic, I swear XDDD


Interview with Kripke!

Many interesting point in this interview. Ones I find most intriguing are:
  1. Lucifer, "Compared to Zachariah and the rest of the angels on the show, he’s more gentle and soft spoken by a long shot. In his own weird way, he’s the kindest of all the angels."
  2. Jessica will be in episode 3
  3. "Pretty much every demon in Hell and on Earth is out gunning for Dean Winchester, because he is pretty much the only one who can destroy basically their Lord and Father" Crud that's not good news for Dean O.O;

And the one that irks me the most because I'm not sure if Kripke is joking or Dead serious:

4. "When we first come back in the season opener, Castiel is dead, destroyed by the Archangel. "

....I'm still trying to process that spoiler in my brain. Castiel?! DEAD?!! Not for long I'm sure.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The first new Angel announced

The archangel Raphael will be joining Supernatural this season. According to one spoiler source He'll possess a mechanic. No news on which actor will fill the role but I find the news exciting still.

Ellen will be officially returning!

According to Ellen has been offically confirmed to return on supernatural season 5 =)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Episode 5.1 Spoiler

On Jim Beaver's Facebook, it says:
Jim Beaver spent the day in the emergency room with the idjits. Life on stage 1.
Gotta love Jim. Looks like one or both of our boys are gonna end up in the hosptial because of Lucifer rising. Bobby to the rescue!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sera Gamble Interview

Some things I found interesting from the latest interview with Sera Gamble:
1. This season we meet the arch angels.
2. Sam may have totally lost Dean's trust.
3. Similar to the YED and Lilith, Lucifer will still be a 'looming presence' for the season.... meaning we won;t see him a lot but he will be the momentum behind everything.
4. We'll see the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
5. We'll see the Winchesters/Campbells' future in an episode (I'm dying to see that!)
For more info and the entire interview follow the source link:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The New Meg Has Been Cast

As we were informed a while ago, Kripke and Co. were bringing Meg back. Well this is her new "meatsuit" lol:
Her name is Rachel Miner, formly on the show Californication.
Also, according to the article confirming this, Kripke himself brought her back in one of the episode he wrote because he got tired of the writers not bothering to. Well I say, thank you Kripke, thank you for bringing Meg back, I certainly missed her!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lucifer has been cast!

Mark Pellegrino, formly from Lost will be joining the Supernatural cast as Lucifer.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is Ellen returning to Supernatural?

According to Samantha Ferris's (aka Ellen) blog, Ellen may be returning for season 5 as well:
I'm all suit and tie...very not Ellen. Speaking of which.....i might have some interesting news......On that note.....

Hm.... this isn't official, but it is interesting. I personally hope she makes a come back... I love Ellen.


Apparently Supernbatural is bringing everyone back from the dead.....

Guess who else scheduled for an episode in the upcoming season of supernatural?
Adrianne Palicki, better known as Jessica Moore, Sams girlfriend from season 1.

My guess is that she's coming back in a flashback episode of some sort, but who knows... anything is possible in Supernatural.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Casting Call spoilers!!!!!!!!!

[SUSAN] Female; mid 30’s-40; attractive, vulnerable, gentle and sympathetic wife (we can't give the storyline...but it is a great role) GUEST STAR

[MEG] 30; she is a sexy ruthless and violent emissary of a dark and bloody power (this is a great recurring role) GUEST STAR RECURRING; PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES


Is Meg returning??????? Perhaps, I hope she is! =)

So that means Season five we so far have Castiel, Anna, and Meg returning.