Thursday, February 4, 2010

Episode titles for ep 19

Episode 19 will be titled 'OMFG'

Random Spoilers

Something about 'My Bloody Valentine" I found from a Kripke interview:
-“When you’re under the effects of Famine...You’re hungry for whatever that thing is you’re starving for, be it alcohol or attention or love or sex or Twinkies or heroine or gambling...Everyone at the end of the day is starving for something...”

Spoiler for episode 18 (the 100th episode I think), from a Sera Gamble interview: -"'s about the Archangel Michael. It's the episode where a lot of building tensions you'll have watched over several episodes simmer over. Dean will behave in a way you've never seen before. So will Sam. So will Castiel. Actually, I'm particularly proud of where we take Sam in this episode. He has a kind of maturity in dealing with Dean that it took us a hundred episodes to earn."

Other random spoilers:
~Pestilence shows up near the end of the season
~Sam will use his powers again this season.
~ The search for God will soon yield a solid lead

Back to the Future Clips

Enjoy =)

New Photos
Yeah, very akward lol.